What Is Ignite! ?
Ignite is our new monthly activity for families.
When Is Ignite! ?
We had a great time at our Christmas Christingle Party in December.
Our next Ignite! is on Sunday 13th April from 4.00-6.00pm
Do I need to book to come along?
No, just turn up - we'd love to meet you there.
What will happen during an Ignite! session?
Each session will roughly consist of three parts
1. activities - crafts, tasks & games based around a story or theme relating to the Christian faith
2. a short fun and interactive time of worship
3. food
How long does an Ignite! session last?
We expect a whole Ignite! session will last approximately 2 hours.
What type of food will be available?
At our first Ignite! there was baked potatoes and fillings followed by cake or mince pies. (yum!). We'll be doing something similar in future ones.
How much does it cost to attend?
There is no charge to attend Ignite! - however, donations are gratefully received and will be used for future Ignite! sessions.
Who can attend Ignite! ?
Ignite! is for parents and children to enjoy together. It doesn't matter if you have faith or not.
Please note - Children need to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Who can I contact if I want to know more?
Send us a message via our contact page and we'll get back to you.