We Believe
... in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who is eternal, loving, just, sovereign, trustworthy and completely good.
... Jesus Christ is fully God and fully Man. He was sent to earth to be God’s loving call and answer to the fallen human condition. He willingly died on the Cross as the only, once and for all means of sacrifice and forgiveness for sin. He was raised from the dead and returned to heaven from where He will return in Majesty and Power to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
...The Holy Spirit convicts the World of its sin and indwells and empowers the believer to live a Holy life, equipping them for works of service.
... The Church is made up of forgiven believing individuals called together into the Family of God with Jesus as the Head. The role of the church is to proclaim in word and deed the Good News of Jesus Christ.
...The Bible is the final Authority in all matters of Faith, it is divinely inspired and can be trusted implicitly.
... Human beings are made in the image of God-every individual unique and significant. But that we are unable to live up to Gods perfect standards and therefore are in need of God’s help to restore the relationship the Creator intends us all to have.
... Baptism is by total immersion on the basis of individual repentance and faith for believers committed to living the Life of Christian discipleship.